Adobe Illustrator Scripts
Read more: Paste to Replace
Paste to Replace
The Paste to Replace script for Adobe Illustrator enables users to replace selected objects with clipboard content efficiently. It provides a user-friendly interface with options to maintain the original size, fit proportionally, or stretch to fit.
Read more: Swap Two Objects
Swap Two Objects
This is a script for Adobe Illustrator that allows users to swap the positions and optionally the sizes of two selected objects. It creates a user-friendly panel interface with multiple swap options.
Read more: Grid Arranger
Grid Arranger
The Grid Arranger script is a powerful tool for Adobe Illustrator that helps users arrange selected objects in a customizable grid layout. It provides precise control over columns, rows, spacing, and alignment, with live preview functionality. The script is particularly useful for creating organized layouts, pattern designs, icon sets, and any work requiring precise object arrangement.
Read more: Extended Align Panel
Extended Align Panel
The Extended Align panel is a powerful enhancement for Adobe Illustrator, expanding the default alignment options to include 9 advanced commands. These new alignment options provide precise control over object positioning, enabling users to align objects to specific corners, edges, or the center of the artboard or key object with a single click.
🅰 Locating the Scripts Folder
To install a .jsx script in Adobe Illustrator, you need to place it in the correct directory where Illustrator can recognize it. Follow these steps to locate the Scripts folder:
- MacOS:
Open Finder and navigate to:
Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts. - Windows:
Open File Explorer and navigate to:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts - Replace <Version> with your Adobe Illustrator version (e.g., 2025).
- Replace <Language> with your language folder (e.g., "de_DE" for German, "en_US" for English).
🅱 Installing the Script
- Copy the Script File: Copy the .jsx file to the Scripts folder located in the path above.
- On some systems, you may need administrator permissions to modify the Scripts folder.
- Restart Illustrator: To refresh the scripts menu, close and reopen Adobe Illustrator.
- MacOS:
- Open Adobe Illustrator and ensure a document is active.
- Go to the top menu bar and select File > Scripts.
- If the script is installed in the Scripts folder, it will appear in the dropdown list.
- Click the script name to run it.
- The script will execute, and any dialog boxes or results will appear based on the script’s functionality.
Note: Before running any scripts, it’s strongly advised to save your work — especially when working with complex or large documents.
Explore our complete guide to mastering Adobe Illustrator scripts.
🅰 Locating the Scripts Folder
To install a .jsx script in Adobe Illustrator, you need to place it in the correct directory where Illustrator can recognize it. Follow these steps to locate the Scripts folder:
- MacOS:
Open Finder and navigate to:
Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts. - Windows:
Open File Explorer and navigate to:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts - Replace <Version> with your Adobe Illustrator version (e.g., 2025).
- Replace <Language> with your language folder (e.g., "de_DE" for German, "en_US" for English).
🅱 Installing the Script
- Copy the Script File: Copy the .jsx file to the Scripts folder located in the path above.
- On some systems, you may need administrator permissions to modify the Scripts folder.
- Restart Illustrator: To refresh the scripts menu, close and reopen Adobe Illustrator.
- MacOS:
- Open Adobe Illustrator and ensure a document is active.
- Go to the top menu bar and select File > Scripts.
- If the script is installed in the Scripts folder, it will appear in the dropdown list.
- Click the script name to run it.
- The script will execute, and any dialog boxes or results will appear based on the script’s functionality.
Note: Before running any scripts, it’s strongly advised to save your work — especially when working with complex or large documents.
Explore our complete guide to mastering Adobe Illustrator scripts.
Adobe Photoshop Scripts
Read more: Layout Grid Generator
Layout Grid Generator
The Layout Grid Generator is a powerful Photoshop script that allows users to create customizable grid layouts using Photoshop's guide system. It provides a user-friendly interface for setting up precise margins, columns, and rows with real-time previews.
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Read more: Layers Batch Renamer
Layers Batch Renamer
This is a comprehensive Adobe Photoshop script that allows you to batch rename layers in your documents with advanced customization options. The script provides a user-friendly interface with multiple renaming methods, flexible formatting options, and intelligent placeholders
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